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At MAS, we are proud to throw our support behind local causes that we care about. Whether it's watches as auction items, or a portion of sales donated, it's all about finding a way to use our watches and our brand to do some good!

One cause close to our hearts is Small Steps 4 Hannah. The Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation exists to HALT the cycle of domestic violence so that everyone can feel respected, informed, confident to act, and safe. Tate and I are two men who stand together against violence, and we are honoured to support SS4H. To learn more about SS4H, click HERE.

Another important cause for MAS is Men's Health. Springfield Mo-Men’s soul purpose is to raise awareness for Men’s Health in their local community. Their goal is reduce the amount of men that die each year from Testicular Cancer, Prostate Cancer and to stop our young men dying too early from Suicide. To learn more about Springfield Mo-Men, click HERE